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Would you...Vajazzle (Bedazzle your Vajayjay)?

    Hey Glamazons,

    We've shared some crazy Fashion and Beauty finds with you on this blog---from logos that can be branded onto your skin to lingerie with an attached tracking device---and our latest beauty discovery is no different.

    Va-jazzle is the latest puzzling procedure that lets you sparkle where the sun don't shine.

    Perfect for Valentine's Day, the new craze is offered at Completely Bare Spa, where your lady business is embellished with a Swarovski crystal design of your choosing. The design is available in starburst, butterfly, heart and various other shapes.

    I get it. It solves the problem women everywhere were facing when belly rings and nipple piercings left their kittens feeling underdressed.

    No, it's not enough that you can dye and shave your pubic hair into any outrageous design your heart desires. Your lady business needs accessories, too!

    And besides, nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like star-studded, diamond encrusted goodies.

    (By the way, I'm completely kidding.)

    Jennifer Love Hewitt dedicates a whole chapter of her new relationship manual, The Dog Ate Cupid, to Vajazzling. She vajazzles regularly and said this, publicly, on Lopez Tonight. "After a breakup, a friend of mine Swarovski crystalled my, um, precious lady," Hewitt told Lopez. "It shined like a disco ball."

    Well, you can bling everything else, even your teeth. Your vajayjay was the next logical step. Sideeye.

    What do you think, Glamazons? A fabulous, new and exciting treat for Valentine's Day? Proof that we've all taken BLING too far (and it should've died in the '90's)? Fellas, would you be pleasantly surprised or turned off by your lover's Vajazzled lady parts?




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