The relationship between a woman or man and their hairdresser is unique. There aren't many people you visit regularly to confide in and trust enough to alter your physical appearance, sometimes radically. Hairdressers have to be instant psychologists as well as confidantes and working on this assumption, and remembering that the most important goal is to not only deliver great hair but to create a bond that occupies a special private space between the both of you.
In fact, marketing and consumer behaviour experts study the hairdresser relationship because it has so many of the attributes that retailers and other service businesses strive for. The most important element in the relationship is communication. True, most of us struggle to communicate with our loved ones, friends, coworkers, and even ourselves - how can we express ourselves to someone we see just every 2 months? Keep in mind, however, that unlike those other people in your life, your hairdresser stands over your head holding a pair of scissors or a tint brush with the objective being to make you beautiful and happy and without any judgements so spill your guts out.
“Only your hairdresser knows” , silly has that phrase sounds it’s the truth, the oath a hairdresser takes or should take is to never ever break that oath, here lays the creation of long term clientele relationships not short term. It is the only second industry that actually touchs another human being the first being medical and that alone speaks volumes. A relationship is a two way street and I say unto all service providers to be grateful and always serve with an open honest heart.
In fact, marketing and consumer behaviour experts study the hairdresser relationship because it has so many of the attributes that retailers and other service businesses strive for. The most important element in the relationship is communication. True, most of us struggle to communicate with our loved ones, friends, coworkers, and even ourselves - how can we express ourselves to someone we see just every 2 months? Keep in mind, however, that unlike those other people in your life, your hairdresser stands over your head holding a pair of scissors or a tint brush with the objective being to make you beautiful and happy and without any judgements so spill your guts out.
“Only your hairdresser knows” , silly has that phrase sounds it’s the truth, the oath a hairdresser takes or should take is to never ever break that oath, here lays the creation of long term clientele relationships not short term. It is the only second industry that actually touchs another human being the first being medical and that alone speaks volumes. A relationship is a two way street and I say unto all service providers to be grateful and always serve with an open honest heart.