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Postcard From Sammich: Just Cuz

    you can buy a "I feel relatively neutral about New York" t-shirt at Big Stone Head.

Currently Obsessed: Friday Night Lights

    Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose
    "He's different, ya know, draws pictures, listens to Bob Dylan."

    Even though this show takes place in Texas in 2006, Tim the brooding alcoholic football player is styled to look like a perfect '90s alternahunk. (I'm guessing it's just for us girls who can't really enjoy a show about high school without a Catalano figure.) Lila is a mega fox.

    After doing some imdb research I finally figured out the root of my obsession with coach. Kyle Chander was on Homefront a mostly forgotten show from the early 90s. Homefront took place in the 40s and therefore had amazing outfits, red lipstick, really hot actors and that "Accentuate the Positive" song as the theme. It was about soldiers returning to their small Ohio town after WWII. Chandler played a baseball player who had fallen in love with his brother's fiance while his brother was off fighting for his freedom and whatnot. My crush on him was one of those huge formative mega-crushes you can only have when you have not yet actually ever kissed a human boy. This was around the same time I was obsessed with Luke Perry and Stephen Dorf though neither of them have aged as well as my man the coach.

    Here some clips from Homefront, watch closely and you'll notice a cameo from a certain maternal figure from the O.C.:

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Deconstructing Hairy

Zuni Jewelry

    I became obsessed with Zuni jewelry via an ebay search for Native American Jewelry without even having seen any of it in person. The Zuni tribe is from present-day New Mexico, and have a matrilineal clan system. The Sun Face is a common motif in the jewelry and according to Wikipedia the sun is seen as the giver of all life and the Zuni word for Daylight is the same as the word for life. I love the way it evokes all these different references like pixels, emoticons and '60s daisies, beyond just Native American Jewelry.

    These little earrings arrived today I love how they sorta look like emoticons. I got them from The Branded Bear and they came with this cute little certificate of authenticity.

    There a little bigger than I expected them to be but they are pretty sweet.

    How cute are these little girls.

    But seriously though Zuni jewelry is beautiful stuff.
    This bracelet is $749

    I was so ready to throw down what I thought was some serious cash for this pendant. I love how its Zuni/Art Deco/ Marc Jacobs. It was at $42 and I wan sniping it at $55 and then the next thing I new it was at $307. Such a bummer I can't find anything else that looks quite like this one.

    How amazing is the inlay on this one.

Diane Keaton Intertext

    I've been obsessed with this for years and today I decided to dig up the YouTube Clips to back it up.

    This scene from Annie Hall where Woody Allen's character comments that he is "standing with the cast of The Godfather" referring to the goons that had been harassing him for an autograph when he is talking to Diane Keaton who was in fact part of the cast of The Godfather.

    And this scene from Looking for Mr. Goodbar where Diane Keaton is reading The Godfather at a bar and Richard Gere tells her that he saw the movie.

    Just Sayin'!

    Whats with the weird inter-textuality of Diane Keaton?

My Muxtape

    I finally finished my own Muxtape. It's pretty girly because I'm girly, and I'm not sure if I'm proud or embarrassed that half of the songs are the same exact songs I would have put on a mix tape in high school. LISTEN HERE!

King of Sorrow: Sade

    King of Sorrow is my favorite Sade song and as I am sure you know Sade has a lot of good songs and Smooth Operator is no joke. I was totally obsessed with this video in 2001 and I used to describe it to people in detail at the slightest provocation. Today I realized that with the wonders of teh innerweb I could find it on YouTube.

    This video pulls on every last one my heart strings. Its got everything: cute babies, a location that looks like Cuba, a single mom, Sade looking like a total fox, pretty dresses, white pants, sadness. The part at the end when she washes the baby's shoes. *sniff* gets. me. every. time.

    Seriously is there anyone is the world more glamorous than Sade. I remember hearing a long time ago that she never does interviews and is super shy and private. I remember Chris Rock talking about how he had her on his show and she wouldn't speak and he was so intimidated by her that he just stared at her in awe.